Mindlessness Leads to Unwanted Consequences

There is a rooster that insists on coming into our property.  At first there were 3 roosters, they hung out in the yard eating and picking at things on the ground. Then after a few days there were 2 roosters, not sure what happened to the other one, but I have a fairly good idea.  Now there is only 1 rooster.  

My dogs do not like the rooster in the yard.  The rooster has been taken out of the yard several times, but it insists on flying over the fence and landing again in the yard.  It is out of my hands what happens to this last rooster.  

It is the same with some people.  Maybe it is mindless, unconscious habits, but some people just do things without thinking about the repercussions of their actions, words, and beliefs. 

We live in a world that although it is vast and spacious, information travels quickly as if the world were a small community.  Our global communication via social media, TV networks, and telephone means that we are all truly connected to the majority of the human beings living at this time.  So, with that in mind lets practice more thoughtful words and actions.

I believe that most people are good souls just trying to live in harmony with the rest of humanity.  People are people and when they believe certain ideas or thoughts they are driven to stand up for their beliefs.  However, there are a certain number of humans that manipulate the public with untruths and conspiracy theories to help in the attainment their goals and/or to cause social unrest.

Here are 3 thoughts on this matter… The first is that we must consider the source of our information that we use to construct our beliefs.  We can not mindlessly follow and become part of the herd.  Look at the facts from several sources and ask yourself: does it sound reliable?  Be aware of your emotions and how it is triggered by unexamined beliefs.  How true is it what you are being told and now believe?

The second is that these perpetrators of untruths must be censored.  They do not have the right to say whatever is best to fit their plans when it is constructed on plain lies.  Their plan is to manipulate the general public to further their agenda.  The public is being fed propaganda and untruths to alter and form beliefs that are being used to arrive at a total manipulation of truth.  Very much like many totalitarian governments use to control and influence their citizens.

The third is the responsibility of mass outlets of information such as social media to watch over their users or better stated their abusers.  This is not a free for all where one can just state whatever one wishes others to believe.  The truth is that social media is not just a social gathering of friends keeping in contact with each other.  Unfortunately, it has become the method that many people utilize to get their news and form an opinion on important matters that affect the lives of many.

So, going back to the first rule.  Take personal responsibility for your beliefs and censor subjects or media that is really not helpful and actually is hurting our country.  The abusers must be called out as such by others at all levels of society and social media must be held responsible for their content.

The reality is that unless we agree on what the truth is, we will continue to have a huge communication problem and social unrest.  We must have reliable sources of information without a hidden agenda.  If we cannot communicate with honesty and transparency we will not be able to overcome the challenges of our rapid global communication capabilities.

Never Lie to Someone Who Trusts You

Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.  Although I did not come up with the quote it is perhaps the best piece of advice, I can give to anyone.  It took me almost 20 years to finally learn that. It is just the way it is. 

These types of people are ruthless and self-interested.  And they may believe they are doing it to not hurt anyone, but that is another lie that they are just telling themselves.  The truth is that you just don’t know where you stand with this type of person. The foundation for any relation is based on truth.  If you can’t agree on what the truth is then there is no stability or common ground for growth.

What I can say is this: once you catch the first lie, others will follow.  Just because it is the first lie you catch doesn’t mean it was the first lie they have told you. Know what to expect from that person, more lies. And don’t make important decisions based on what that person is saying.  Instead look at their deeds instead of their words.

Do not make the error of believing that they can change.  They rarely do and if they do it will only be temporary.  This is just another method of avoiding reality and delaying the inevitable.  There is a Spanish proverb that translated states “as the twig is bent so grows the tree.”  It refers to people that develop certain habits or attitudes and their unlikeliness to change.  

When you meet one of these personalities, just take it for what it is worth.  They may appear to be happy and amazing individuals.  Just steer clear and know that this is a fork in the road, and this road is best not taken.