Intelligent Life

This is something that many dismiss, but I believe intelligent life on our planet is possible.  Or better yet, life is intelligent until we start messing with it.  Why is it we consider ourselves intelligent when we can’t get along? Why are we destroying our neighbors and our planet?  Perhaps if we just stopped thinking we were so smart and just paused and went within.  No rushing just letting our mind do what it does with no action. Our innate intelligence would have an opportunity to emerge and we would just all be better off.  

There are some that are looking for alien life like it is some beings visiting from another planet.  I say we are the aliens coming here and trying to act like we own the place.  The reality is that we are here for only a few years.  In comparison to the age of the earth, the age of the sun, the age of the mountains; we are here for a just a blink of time.

Intelligent life is found in my dogs.  They all possess superior knowledge and wisdom.  They certainly are smarter than I and the great majority of people on our planet.  They know that it is best to sleep in the shade and wait for the heat of the day to pass.  Us humans wait until high noon to start working outside.  The animals watch in amazement at our stupidity.

The toads and the rabbits come out at night in the hot summers to take advantage of the cooler nights to eat and hunt and do whatever rabbits and toads do for fun.  Birds fly south in the northern hemisphere to avoid the blasts of winter.  Trees and plants flower and are pollinated without our supervision or control, and they manage to wonderfully produce fruits that we rely on for food.

I say there is intelligent life on earth but for the most part it is not the human beings.  It is actually the others that we try to control and manipulate.  That includes the trees, birds, land, animals, and sea.  We are the aliens and for the most part unintelligent weeds being grown on earth.